PROJECTS AND INIZIATIVES 2018: Ten years anniversary is celebrated 2014: High school For the first time the students have a possibility to continue their studies after middle Inauguration of a multifunctional area Inside the school a new area is built which can be used as a gym, 2013: Adamitullo’s friends becomes an Onlus Adamitullo’s friends keep expanding, convincing sponsors and institutions to participate. They become an Onlus, shareholders 2012: First class in oromo In addition to the 8 classes in amarica, a new class in oromo begins which 2011: New ICT classroom Technical equipment is donated in order to start an ICT course. 2009: Expansion of Adamitullo’s school structure 6 classes, allowing students from ages 5 to 10 to access education, are opened. The 2008: Adamitullo’s friends is born After meeting Padre Cesare Bullo, a salesian missionary that has, for more than 40 years,FOR A GOOD CAUSEHOW TO HELP US?It is possible to support Amici di Adamitullo onlus by making donations by bank transfer.READ MORE